Counter Charge 114 - Message from Headquarters!

Counter Charge 114 - Message from Headquarters!


Mark and Rob are back and spend some time with Rob Burman (Mantic's new Social Media Manager) and Matt Gilbert (Mantic's COO extraordinaire)!  We catch up with both Rob and Matt, discuss the upcoming Kings of War releases, the historical supplement, Beasts of War, Clash of Kings, live streams, and the upcoming summer campaign!  If that wasn't enough, we talk about Mantic's latest Kickstarter, Star Saga (you guessed it, derived from Dungeon Saga), and we might even mention Lordy and Mr. King along the way.....

As always, please let us know what you thought of the show by emailing Rob at counterchargepodcast@gmail. com, Mark at, on Twitter @CounterCharge15 or by posting in our episode thread on the discussion forum found at  If you enjoy the show you can help others find out about it by leaving positive reviews on iTunes.  Until next time keep Counter Charging!